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Laetitia de Almeida Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage Institut des Sciences de l'Homme laetitia.dealmeida@cnrs.fr website |
Participants: | 1 |
Type of Study: | babbling to full word, naturalistic, longitudinal |
Location: | Portugal |
Media type: | video |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/T57G7Q |
Almeida, L. (2011). Acquisition de la structure syllabique en contexte de bilinguisme simultané portugais/français. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Lisbon.
Almeida, L., Rose, Y. & Freitas, M. J. (2012). Prosodic Influence in Bilingual Phonological Development: Evidence from a Portuguese-French First Language Learner. In Biller, A. K., Chung, E. Y. & Kimball, A. E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 36th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 42–52. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Almeida, L. (2014). The acquisition of word-final consonants in a bilingual learner of French and European Portuguese. In Costa, J., Fiéis, A., Freitas, M. J., Lobo, M. & Santos, A. L. (eds.), New Directions in the Acquisition of Romance Languages. Selected Proceedings of the Romance Turn V. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 62-77.
In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.
Participant name: Barbara
Sex: F
Age range: 1;00.08-3;10.28
Sessions: 54 French; 55 Portuguese
Barbara was recorded at home in a naturalistic setting, approximately every second week. The records were divided into two sessions, one for each of the native languages of the child, taking place at the same day. A Portuguese native speaker carried out the Portuguese sessions and the bilingual investigator carried out the French sessions, speaking exclusively French to the child. Each session lasted approximately 30 mns. During the recordings the child typically looked at picture books and played with toys. Most of the time, the parent (or caretaker) who spoke the language of the session was present. Occasionally, the mother or the grandmother (native speakers of Portuguese) were present in the French sessions because the child would not talk otherwise. In those cases, they did not talk to the child during the session.
Most of the time, the child would use the language of the session. The utterances in the other language were codified as such ('por' for Portuguese or 'fra' for French) and were not transcribed. Mixed utterances were not transcribed either. It could occur that the child used one lexical item in the other language, either because she did not know the translation, either because it was the name of a toy, or a proper name. Those cases are codified as 'mixed' and were fully transcribed. The complete list of those lexical items is available. Information such as noise, overlapping speech, repeated speech or other useful aspects is provided in the Notes field.
The recordings were collected using a miniDV digital camera Panasonic GS 200 with a microphone.
This corpus is part of the Acquisition of European Portuguese Databank (AcEP – www.clul.ul.pt/en/research-teams/476-acquisition-of-european-portuguese- databank).
Most frequent lexical items in mixed utterances
Portuguese names in French Sessions | Meaning |
Chico | name of the family dog |
Rita | name of a toy |
Costa | name of a place |
Benfica | Portuguese soccer team |
Pedro | proper name |
Pantufa | name of a toy |
Anita | name of a toy |
Piupiu | name of a toy |
Vovô/Vovó | grandfather/grandmother |
Quico/Quica | name of a toy |
Pintar | to draw |
Luisa | proper name |
Joana | proper name |
Senhor palhaço | name of a toy |
João | proper name |
Bolinhas | name of a toy |
Flamengo | type of Portuguese cheese |
Gordo | name of a toy |
Bárbara | name of a toy |
French names in Portuguese Sessions | Meaning |
Françoise | proper name |
Quentin | proper name |
Hélia | proper name |
Thierry | proper name |
Babar | proper name |
Céleste | proper name |
Marine | proper name |
Doudou | cuddly toy |
Arthur | proper name |
Portuguese names in French sessions | French names in Portuguese sessions |
Chico: name of the family dog | Françoise: proper name |
Rita: name of a toy | Quentin: proper name |
Costa: name of a place | Hélia: proper name |
Benfica: Portuguese soccer team | Thierry: proper name |
Pedro: proper name | Babar: proper name |
Pantufa: name of a toy | Céleste: proper name |
Anita: name of a toy | Marine: proper name |
Piupiu: name of a toy | Doudou: cuddly toy |
Vovô/Vovó: grandfather/grandmother | Arthur: proper name |
Quico/Quica: name of a toy | |
Pintar: to draw | |
Luisa: proper name | |
Joana: proper name | |
Senhor palhaço: name of a toy | |
João: proper name | |
Bolinhas: name of a toy | |
Flamengo: type of Portuguese cheese | |
Gordo: name of a toy | |
Bárbara: name of a toy |