PhonBank Clinical Corpora

This page provides an index to PhonBank Clinical data.
Corpus Age Range N Comments
Bernhardt 2-6 6 children with phonological disorders
Cattini 4 and 18 4 3 French children and one teenager with phonological disorders
Chiat 5;0-5;8 3 children with phonological disorders
Cummings 3-6 30 children with phonological disorders
Granada 19 4;0-5;10 Spanish children with phonological impairment
McAllister 3;9-4;3 1 case study
NeumannFoxBoyer 2;3-9;2 29 picture-naming test
PCSC 8-12 20 hearing limited
PERCEPT-GFTA 6-17 350 articulation test
PERCEPT-R 6-17 280 rhotics
PhonoDis 3-11 26 Portuguese
Preston 4-5 44 clinical tests
TorringtonEaton 4;0-5;11 51 comparison between TD and SSD
Warnier 2;9-5;3 29 Belgian French