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Barbara May Bernhardt School of Audiology and Speech Sciences University of British Columbia may.bernhardt@audiospeech.ubc.ca website |
Participants: | 19 |
Type of Study: | clinical |
Location: | Spain |
Media type: | audio |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/T5BG68 |
Bernhardt, B.M., Hanson, R., Pérez, D., Ávila, C., Lleó, C., Stemberger, J.P., Carballo, G., Mendoza, E., Fresneda, D. & Chávez-Peón, M. (2015). Word structures of Granada Spanish-speaking preschoolers with typical versus protracted phonological development. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 50(3), 298-311. DOI: 10.1111/1460-6984.12133.
Schretlen, C. (2013). Prosodic structure patterns in multisyllabic word productions of GranadaSpanish-speaking children with typical versus protracted phonological development. Unpublished Master's thesis, University of British Columbia. https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/ubctheses/24/items/1. 0072003
In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.
Recordings for this project were carried out in a quiet room at a preschool. The data represent pre-intervention samples. Single-word utterances were elicited in response to carrier phrases, and were primarily spontaneous. Imitations or words elicited in phrases are noted in the sample. There were 19 children recorded.
Participant Name | Age | Sessions | Sex |
0302 | 4;00 | 1 | M |
0303 | 4;07 | 1 | F |
0305 | 3;01 | 1 | F |
0306 | 3;05 | 1 | F |
0308 | 4;03 | 1 | F |
0309 | 4;09 | 1 | F |
0310 | 5;10 | 1 | F |
0311 | 5;09 | 1 | F |
0312 | 5;02 | 1 | F |
0313 | 4;04 | 1 | M |
0314 | 4;10 | 1 | F |
0315 | 4;09 | 1 | M |
0316 | 4;08 | 1 | M |
0317 | 5;11 | 1 | M |
0322 | 4;05 | 1 | F |
0323 | 4;09 | 1 | F |
0324 | 5;00 | 1 | M |
0325 | 3;03 | 1 | F |
0327 | 4;03 | 1 | M |