PhonBank Vietnamese Vu Corpus

Huyen Vu
Memorial University

Participants: 120
Type of Study: naturalistic, case studies
Location: Canada and Vietnam
Media type: audio and video
DOI: doi:10.21415/Z7Y9-XA28

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Phon data

CHAT data

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Citation information

Huyen Thi Thanh. 2021. Phonological Development of Consonants in Vietnamese Children. M.A. Thesis. Memorial University.

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Project Description

This study documents two child language learners of Vietnamese. Hiu was born and raised in Vietnam. He was recorded for 25 sessions between the ages of 1;05.24 and 3;04.29. Mun was born in Canada and raised in a monolingual Vietnamese speaking environment. She was videotaped for 27 sessions between the ages of 1;07.8 and 2;11.07.

Both children were recorded in their homes in a naturalistic setting, generally playing with toys and looking at picture books. All sessions were conducted in the form of conversations between child and adult to encourage natural productions. During earlier sessions, elicitation and naming methods were used to collect samples. When the children began to express more words and produce longer phrases and sentences, spontaneous speech were collected as samples.

The recordings for Hiu were collected in a closed room with the recorder kept as close to the child as possible to reduce background noise; however, due to the lack of a high-quality external microphone and extraneous environmental noise, the quality of some recordings is affected. The recordings for Mun were collected in a quiet environment, using a digital camera with a built-in microphone that was placed on a pillow to reduce interfering noises from movements and toys.