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Ama Margarida Ramalho Linguistics University of Lisbon amargaridamcramalho@gmail.com website |
Participants: | 87 |
Type of Study: | experimental, cross-sectional |
Location: | Portugal |
Media type: | audio |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/E43B-TB35 |
Ramalho, A.M. (2017). Aquisição fonológica na criança: tradução e adaptação de um instrumento de avaliação interlinguístico para o PE. Universidade de Évora. Dissertação de Doutoramento. pdf
In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.
This corpus was gathered in the context of Ana Margarida Ramalho’s PhD research project (Ramalho 2017; http://rdpc.uevora.pt/handle/10174/23564), supervised by Maria João Freitas, Dina Alves and Fernanda Gonçalves. This research project was developed at Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa (CLUL), and in accordance with the criteria assumed under the Cross-linguistic Child Phonology Project at the University of British Columbia (UBC), coordinated by Barbara May Bernhardt and Joseph Stemberger. For this purpose, a protocol between the two institutions (CLUL, UBC) was signed. The research was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) (PEst-OE/LIN/UI0214/2013 and UID/LIN/00214/2013; FCT individual PhD research grant SFRH/BD/88966/2012) and by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
The RAMALHO corpus is experimental cross-sectional and contains production data from 87 typically developing children from the Lisbon area, all EP monolinguals, aged 2;11 to 6;04) (G1=2;11-4;0; G2=4;0-5;0; G3=5;0-6;04), with no history of hearing or language deficits or disorders (see table below). A complete description of each of the files is given in this table.
Note: The phonetic transcriptions and audio files are available on Phon only for children whose parents had provided consent. The term "missing" in the @Media line in the transcript indicates that the media file is not publicly available for the corresponding transcript. However, the data for these transcripts is available for investigation purposes and can be accessed by contacting mramalho@letras.ulisboa.pt
The data collection procedures were as follows:
The Phon software was used (https://www.phon.ca) to perform the phonetic transcriptions and the phonological analysis presented in Ramalho (2017). All children were initially recorded and transcribed by Ana Margarida Ramalho. Reliability procedures were adopted (inter-reliability and intra-reliability): 10% of the sample was transcribed by the first transcriber and by a second transcriber, trained in phonetic transcription. In dubious cases, a third researcher carried out a blind transcription and, in the case of persistent indecision, both productions were kept in the database (cf. IPA Actual and Note tiers). The target structures in the CLCP-PE were set according to the following phonological variables (Mateus & Andrade 2000); each target structure is present in at least 2 target words (most of them are present in a higher number of lexical targets):
For further information on data collection and data analysis procedures, see Ramalho (2017).
The data in this corpus corpus were recently (2019) revised by a MA student in Linguistics, Rodrigo Pereira, highly trained in phonetic transcription; detailed phonetic transcription for target liquids was performed, using the following criteria (see table below): Segment/position -> Possible production (Comments)