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Þóra (Thóra) Másdóttir Iceland tm@hi.is website |
Participants: | 288 |
Type of Study: | cross-sectional, tests |
Location: | University of Iceland |
Media type: | audio |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/597P-2S05 |
Benediktsdóttir, A. L., Másdóttir, T., Hansson, G. Ó., & Pálsson, L. (in press). Hljóðferli í tali tveggja til átta ára barna [Phonological processes in the speech of two to eight-year-old children]. Íslenskt mál.
Másdóttir, Þ. (2019). Hljóðþróun íslenskra barna á aldrinum tveggja til átta ára [Speech sound acquisition of children at the age of two to eight years]. Netla - Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun. https://doi.org/10.24270/netla.2019.11
Másdóttir, T. (2014). Málhljóðapróf ÞM [ÞM’s Speech Sound Test]. A standardized phonological and articulation test for children at the age of 2;6-7;11 years of age. National Hearing and Speech Institute of Iceland.
Másdóttir, T., McLeod, S., & Crowe, K. (in submission). Icelandic children’s acquisition of consonants and consonant clusters.
In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.
This corpus documents the speech productions of 288 Icelandic-learning, school-aged children recorded across three data elicitation tasks. Málhljóðapróf ÞM [ÞM’s Speech Sound Test] was administered to 288 children at the age of 2;6-7;11. The test has three major components: (1) Single consonants and consonant clusters, (2) Multisyllabic words, and (3) Consistency measure (each child says 10 words three times during the test). Audio recordings were made using either Olympus Digital Voice Recorder WS-811 or a Sony MiniDisc Recorder (MZ-R30) with a multidirectional Sony Condenser Stereo microphone (ECM-DS70P). All sound files were later converted into 16-bit WAV at 44.1 kHz.
The corpus is organized by task (Consistency, Malhjodaprof [single consonants and consonant clusters], and Multisyllabic) and further sub-divided into 11 different age groups:
Age groups (for each of the three tasks):